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Gun Safety is YOUR First and Foremost Responsibility


  1. Always keep guns pointed in a safe direction.

  2. Treat all firearms as if they are loaded.Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot.

  3. Keep your gun unloaded until you are ready to use it.

  4. Be certain your gun is in good working order.

  5. Know how to safely use the gun.

  6. Use only the correct ammunition for your gun.

  7. Know your target, and what is beyond. Wear eye and hearing protection before entering the range and while on the range.

  8. Never use alcohol or drugs before and/or during shooting.

  9. All shooters must be over the age of 21 or be accompanied by a parent or a legal guardian at all times.

  10. Store guns so that they are not accessible to children.

  11. NO ONE is allowed past the shooting stations or down range.


  13. NO REFUNDS of any kind for parties expelled from the range for safety violations.


Thank you for helping to keep our shooting sport safe.

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